Do Unto know the rest....

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Maiden Voyage and Tortuga Beans

I work so many hours, that when it comes time for my day off, I really don't know what to do with myself.  It's overwhelming.  My new thing lately is to try something different.  Venture to a new place, make new friends, hike up a different mountain etc.  I have been wanting to go to this coffee shop in Silverlake called Intelligentsia, translation, hipster mecca.  I rolled out of bed and purposely did not brush my hair so that I could fit in with the "can't be bothereds" (crazy, I know) but at the end of the day what the greasy haired beautiful people don't get is I really can't be bothered and didn't brush my hair out of sheer laziness.

So this morning I decided to fore go my $1.45 regular coffee at the Jewish Coffee Bean in my neighborhood, where everyone knows me and I just have to grunt to get my order for tortuga beans.  Yes, my coffee is made with tortuga beans from Columbia and they are seasonal.  My cup of tortuga bean coffee cost me the bargain price of 5 bucks. (amazing cup of joe, tasty) I threw in a chocolate croissant and brought that grand total up to $8.50.  I look around and stop at a guy with a headband over his guess what? yep...greasy hair and wonder what I'm paying for? Could it be the staff that looks like an American Apparel Ad, the beautiful people that surround me, the music that I've never heard before and really dig or the fabulous fashion going on at the table next to me.

Will I be back?  Yes, it's different, some of the people seem kind and unaffected.   For the most part it is quintessentially Los Angeles, being a Massachusetts girl, I still stare at the absurdity of it all.  Next time I'll order water, take advantage of the free internet access and people watch.

Now back to my part of town for Taco Bell's two dollar meal.

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