Do Unto know the rest....

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Wireless Fix Me Up

It's been days since I've written and its the first thing I think about when I wake up, that and my coffee.  I always contemplate schlepping my computer to Starbucks to use the free wifi and I just can't seem to get it together to do it.  Well I'm like a junkie and I got my fix, which is a wireless signal so now I can write.

Today feels like the first day of summer.  Busting out the skirts and the tanks, boy, I need a tan.  Have a lot of free time on my hands now since getting the ax.  I remember my first babysitting job, I was nine.  I've been working a long time.  Always had a job, all through school and college.  I am relishing the time off.  Rediscovering what I want to do.  It's pretty fabulous.  One thing I have realized is restaurant management is purgatory for artists.  It is a thankless position and I am so glad to be free of it.  I really could care less if you think your drink is too strong, not strong enough, blah, blah, blah.  Complaints aren't real to me unless their valid, like being hungry from no food on the table.  Anything else is just frivolous and frivolous people are boring.

In any event who am I to judge, the frivolous people are probably cranky cuz they realized that money can't get them everything they need.  It doesn't buy a good shoulder to cry on or a friends laughter.  It can't give you a restful sleep unless you use that money to buy Ambien and well that's another story.  I took an Ambien once, this supermodel gave it to me when we were on location for something.  I think I hallucinated and couldn't sleep for three days after that.  Talk about a nightmare.

I'll call this my semi-retirement phase, since I did the child labor thing back in the day..  I'm not gonna feel guilty about my time off.  Reality is, I get more done when I don't have to go to a paycheck job.  So I'm investing now.  Me stock.  I think it's a pretty good gamble.

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