Do Unto know the rest....

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hot and Cold

Oh the Grove on a Tuesday is super fabulous.  It is just something else, you can drive in and out and not be bothered.  There isn't any line at the movies or for food and you can race around there like a bat outta hell.  I discovered this place called the Banana Leaf, they have Malaysian food, yum, the best chicken noodles.  I took my friend's neighbor to see Super 8, I cried, it was so good.  I loved it.

Prior to that I was at my friend's place stomping around.  First I said I was hot because it was sweltering out, then I said it was cold because he had the air conditioner blasting, then at some point I told him he didn't care.  He looked at me sorta sideways.  It's that time, you know the moon cycle so the hormones start to race to the finish line.  I laughed at the madness of it all...Hot, cold and "you don't care."

I watched Katy Perry's new video "Last Friday Night", my little brother is in it.  He looks so cute, he plays a jock.  He is getting his start just like me.  Music videos.  I remember my first and only music video, it was New Kids On The Block, oh my, I'm dating myself but Jordan is still cute so what the heck.  I was going to school in Boston and my friend was dating Danny Wood.  We used to hang out at this club called Venus di Milo.  I got my fake I.D. taken from me there and I had the nerve to argue with the bouncer saying that yes the 30 year old blonde in the picture was indeed me.  I need to get THAT chutzpah back in my life.  Anyway, Danny asked my friend to be in the video, she said she would only be in it if I could be in it too.  They only wanted Latin Girls on set and after much cajoling she was able to convince them that I was cool and I should be in the video.  So lo and behold I am all over that video with big hair and white knee high socks.  We shot one of the club scenes at Venus and there was all this buzz about this cute short guy wearing a tank top and baseball hat.  He was Donnie's little brother and when he walked on the set all the girls froze and stared.  Oh, he made my heart beat, he was so sexy and so fine with his muscles and his swagger.  It was Marky Mark, yep Mark Wahlberg.   It was so much fun and I was known around Boston for a few months after the shoot as "the white girl in the video".

I ended the night listening to the piano.  It was beautiful and I thought about how much my life has changed in 3 years.  Life really is like a rollercoaster.  If someone told me that I would swim through an ocean of tears for an extended period of time only to find myself two years later laughing my ass off on an almost daily basis I would have called them a liar.  No way.  It's almost like a miracle and I never saw it coming.

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