Do Unto know the rest....

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

When The Blind Horse Found me

I remember when the blind horse found me.  I stood in Malibu, overlooking the ocean  in the middle of a dirt corral.  There was a  woman with long hair to her waist , she told me to close my eyes.  "Just breathe and be still, don't grasp,  don't try, just let go." I remembered seeing a horse with blinders on, off in the far distance.  He had lost his eyes in a recent fire.  I stood there in the hot sun as the thoughts raced behind my eyelids.  "Do I chase after things, why do I care what they think?  I can't believe that person lies and cheats and lives in a beautiful house in the hills, why do good things happen for mean people, I really liked her shoes, I can't afford them,  I wonder if Ill ever buy a house,  I want that perfume, how did I ever like that guy, I was so lucky to know her, that homeless person's foot looked like it was going to fall off, I'll only ever eat pasta in Italy, I really love my new mattress,  that guy at Starbucks was a babe I wonder if he thought I was pretty, I need to change that low tire on my car, I want to go to NYC and see a play, "  And so on and so on. "I want to be better, why do i worry, I really miss him, she was a terrible friend why did I waste my time, I need to go to church, maybe I'll try the Buddhist temple, I want to lose ten pounds, I need to pay my power bill, I want to try that Thai spot in Silverlake, I want Michelle Obama arms"  I mean you get the gist.  I felt a breeze and a nudge on my right shoulder.  I opened my eyes. The sweet blind horse was rubbing my cheek with his.  My eyes filled with tears and I turned to pet him. He was gentle and kind and just wanted love.  Like all of us huh?  The woman with the long hair and and the cowboy boots smiled.  "you let him find you, good things will find you."  Despite myself and my thoughts, he found me.