Do Unto know the rest....

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

T'is the Season

I'm sitting in a house on top of a hill that overlooks all of Los Angeles.  Millions of lights glisten and I think of all the windows of opportunity untapped.  What can I say, I'm a dreamer.  This mini villa is owned by a guy from my part of the country and my friend cares for it when he is out of town.  I have whipped up some organic tomato soup with brown rice and some canned green beans. Comfort food with a healthy edge.  The calm before the eating storm on Turkey day.  I could not be happier luxuriating with friends during the little down time that I have during this holiday season.  These pockets of time are like mini vacay's.  I wonder what Christmas will hold.  I have lived a life thus far where I don't think that far ahead.  Maybe I should start.

In the meantime, I am nestled with Academy screeners which are all the latest movies in the theaters right now.  Gosh I'm saving a lot of dough.  I will spend this Thanksgiving with friends and superheroes (literally) but you wouldn't believe me if I told you so I'll just keep it to myself.  I would fore go all of  it if I could blink and fly east to be with the family but Donald Trump I am not, so I will stay planted here amongst the palm trees and the ocean breeze.

Making new friends when you are older is like getting a big bouquet of flowers just because.  It is such a pleasant surprise.  I have two long running friendships in LA, we have been through everything, up and down and we made it.... still standing.  One of them said to me, "you have you're posse".  It's true I do.  Finally.  And there is always room for more, they just have to pass the test.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Through the Kitchen

I have a confession to make, I have been cheating on my blog with my play.  After three weeks of rehearsal and two performances under my belt I have passed the honeymoon phase and returned to my true love.  Oh how I have missed the click clacks of my keyboard.  I am glad to be back darling, thank you for understanding when I ventured out into "greener pastures" only to discover that you are all I ever needed.  You are funny, stable, supportive and just waiting on my ass to settle down.  I'm back baby and I promise I will work on my commitment issues.  Thank you for always being there.  Love me.

Now that THAT is out of the way I have been thinking a lot lately about the most thrilling times in my life.  They have almost always been when I entered an establishment through the kitchen.  That being said, it was usually because I wasn't invited to the super white hot party or club I was trying to get into.  Either way, my life has always been about the non-conventional ways of doing things and if I'm not invited to the party I most certainly will crash it.  At least that was philosophy in my twenties.  As I have "matured", I really don't want to be anywhere that I am not welcome.  What a concept?!?  I guess it's called being a grown up.

This phase in my life has been about getting my social mojo back.  I have been venturing out a lot lately and there have been a lot of serendipitous happenings.  The most exciting one to date was a chance encounter with a movie star who hugged me tightly and told me I was sweet.  I swear during our conversation I looked behind me to make sure he was most definitely talking to me and lo and behold he was.  My self esteem is usually two steps behind and out of all the women present his eyes found me.  I was in shock and still sort of am but if anything I know there is a shred of hope left in this tangled murky web that we have labeled romance.   It was a classic case of boy meets girl, boy fancies girl and girl fancies boy back.  Simple. Natural. Undeniable.  Before this unexpected encounter with movie star boy (and even if he wasn't a movie star, my chemicals would still be attracted to his, he reminded me of my first love) happened I was talking in my women's group about how I could care less about being in a relationship, how things are so different right now with the internet, facebook, twitter, distractions, distractions, distractions and that I had really lost touch with what actually turns me on.  I had rarely met any guy that did it for me and I had been resigned to a life of "well at least I loved so and so once" and maybe that's all I would get this go around.

It's like the heavens opened up and said "not so quickly my dear." My insides started to stretch and things woke up inside of me.  The way movie star boy looked for me in the room turned me on.  Can you believe it?  Neither could I!  Life can be so crazy.  I also liked the way he wore his basketball shorts and I wanted to run my fingers through his hair which was curly from sweat.  Another turn on!  But the biggest turn on of all was when he stood up from the table when I got up to leave.  What a gentleman.  He hugged me and I was like glue stuck to him and that's when he told me I was sweet.  Swoon.  (sorry if you're gagging right now, but in LA it's hard to find men with impeccable manners).  The only other time that has happened was when I met Paul Newman at the New York Film Critics Awards, (we snuck in through the kitchen and sat at Abel Ferrara's table) he stood up before he said hello and then when he introduced himself he turned to his wife and introduced her.  Classy.

I often default to bemoaning my fate and looking at the cup half empty and then something happens to snap me out of the doldrums.  Things are good and they are moving in the right direction.  Since I met my prince (wink) I have been meeting gentlemen left and right and they are adorable.  I met an aerodynamics engineer turned actor that looks like he was plucked from the middle of nowhere and deposited on the corner of La Brea and Beverly for my viewing pleasure.  jkjk.  But really... magical things happen when you wade through the water one step at a time even when you don't want to, you might just get rescued by an ex-rugby player with a southern drawl, yes aerodynamics engineer also plays rugby.
I go through the front door now.  It's just easier, I can valet and not worry about getting mugged in the back alley by the kitchen.